1Dr. Trieu Thi Trinh, 2Dr. Vu Thi Phuong Mai, 3MA. Pham Thi Mai Vui
1,2University of Labor and Social Affairs
3Hanoi University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i11-27Google Scholar Download Pdf
The majority of Vietnamese students today belong to the Gen Z generation (born after 1995), they are the generation of global citizens of the digital age, capable of changing the world and determining politics, economics, culture, and ideology trends of the future. Most students are young, do not have much experience, grow up in conditions of economic development, the level of material enjoyment is increasing but society has more and more complex information flows, in when political bravery is still immature and lacks "resistance" to the negative influences of social networks. Therefore, strengthening the prevention of negative effects of social networks is a necessary condition to ensure that students' courage is strong, steadfast, and proactive in facing the difficulties and challenges of life.
KEYWORDS:reinforcement, prevention, negativity, social networks, political courage, Vietnamese students
REFERENCES1) Tran Thi Minh Duc, Bui Thi Hong Thai (2014), “Using social networks among Vietnamese students”, Vietnam Social Sciences Journal, No. 8 (81).
2) Ministry of Education and Training (2021), Preliminary Report on 03 years of implementing Decision No. 3296/QD-BGDDT dated August 30, 2018 of the Minister of Education and Training approving the Project "Strengthening political and ideological management and education for pupils and students in the online environment until 2025"
3) Ministry of Education and Training (2020), Official Dispatch No. 1488/BGDDT-GDCTHSSV dated April 29, 2020 on ensuring security and safety in online teaching and learning
4) Ministry of Education and Training (2021), Official Dispatch No. 850/BGDDT-GDCTHSSV dated March 4, 2021 on strengthening support, psychological counseling, and skills to prevent and combat violence, bullying, and sexual abuse children, pupils, and students when studying online and using the network environment
5) Phung Khanh Tai (editor, 2010), Measures to manage the impact of the internet on young people and students in Hanoi city, University of Education.
Volume 06 Issue 11 November 2023

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