1Dr. Dong Thi Hong, 2Dr. Le Huong Giang, 3Dr. Doan Thanh Thuy
1,2,3University of Labor and Social Affairs
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i11-17Google Scholar Download Pdf
Very small ethnic minorities are ethnic groups with a population of less than 10,000 people. Currently, the whole country has 16 ethnic minorities with very few people (Si La, O Du, Brau, Ro Mam, Pu Peo, Cong, Mang, Bo Y, Lo Lo, Co Lao, Ngai, Lu, Pa Then, Chut, La Ha, La Hu), living scatteredly in 32 provinces and cities across the country. The common point of the very few ethnic minorities is that most reside in particularly difficult areas, the "poor core" of the country. In Lai Chau, there are 3 ethnic groups: Cong, Mang, La Hu, 3 ethnic groups with extremely few people and extremely difficult economic conditions. Requires strategic attention from Lai Chau province during the period of integration and development.
KEYWORDS:Ethnic minorities, socio-economic development, Lai Chau Province
REFERENCES1) Political report of the 13th Provincial Party Executive Committee submitted to the 14th Provincial Party Congress, Lai Chau, and September 28, 2020.
2) Report summarizing the implementation of the socio-economic development project for the La Hu, Mang, and Cong ethnic groups in Lai Chau province in the period 2013 - 2020. Lai Chau, 2020.
3) People's Committee of Lai Chau province: Summary report on Lai Chau province planning for the period 2021-2030, Lai Chau May 2021.
Volume 06 Issue 11 November 2023

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