• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840

Volume 06 Issue 11 November 2023

Execution Policy for Finance and Accounting Department: Basis for Implementation and Acquisition Management
Ma. Aurora T. Caday, DBA
University Research Director Universidad De Manila
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i11-01

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The paper investigates the execution policy for the finance and accounting department as a basis in the implementation and acquisition management. It aims to answer the extent of policy execution for both finance and accounting in the implementation and acquisition management in fund flow arrangement, finance and accounting policy procedure, budgeting system, safeguard over assets, and contract management. Quantitative research design is employed in the study. It gathers and quantifies the data for statistical treatment on the measure of the variables. Likewise, purposive sampling is employed in the selection of the sample population in the study. It all gathers the necessary respondents under the jurisdiction of the Vice-President Comptrollership such as Planning and Budget Department, Accounting, Supplies etc. The study comprised Eighteen (18) respondents only. Results show that fund flow arrangement establishes a policy that is capable of the transaction process in handling and promptness of the policy and execution of the acquisition, show policy and procedures describes finance and accounting retention record to support the documents of the process, show budgeting system is being followed upon request of budget in advance or after fact among the respondents, show safeguard over assets have the procedures and policies that are adequate to safeguard and to protect the assets in place for the accounting and finance integrity from any waste, fraud, and abuse which is identified for the accounting and financial execution process, and show that contract management indicates the procedures and policies for acquisition implementation and execution and is being maintained for both the accounting and finance for all the acquisition in the organization.


Execution policy for finance and accounting, implementation and acquisition management, fund flow arrangement, finance and accounting policy procedure, budgeting system, safeguard over assets, and contract management

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Volume 06 Issue 11 November 2023

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