• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840

Volume 06 Issue 10 October 2023

The Influence of Bureaucrats' Communication Behavior on Performance of Metro City Government
1Andy Corry Wardhani, 2Abdul Firman Ashaf , 3Tina Kartika, 4Nina Yudha Aryanti, 5Daffa Alsa Pradika
1,2,3,4Lecturer of Communication Department, Faculty of Social Politics,Lampung University
5Student of Communication Department, Faculty of Social Politics,Lampung University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i10-06

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As an autonomous region, Metro City is committed to running regional government effectively. Government performance is a measure of the success of regional government. Bureaucrats' communication behavior is a variable that can influence local government performance. Pre-surveys conducted within the Metro City government gave an impression of the government's performance, including a lack of effective communication, low knowledge and work skills, an inappropriate understanding of the roles and functions that bureaucrats must carry out, familiarity with forms of instructional communication, and differences in perceptions about provisions. who is guided. This research aims to determine the influence of bureaucrats' communication behavior on the performance of the Metro City government by analyzing the components that surround it through the dimensions of communication effectiveness, empathy, knowledge, skills, and work motives of bureaucrats. The research method uses a survey method with quantitative and qualitative data. Determination of the sample using stratified proportional random sampling. Field data was collected through a questionnaire instrument. The research results show that the communication behavior of bureaucrats in the Metro City government has a significant influence on its performance. Bureaucrats' communication behavior is reflected, among other things, in communication effectiveness. Communication is the central point of strength that unites so that there is coordination, unity, and action that moves towards the vision and mission. The easiest way to create effective communication from the research results obtained is by transferring ideas clearly so that the message conveyed is captured by bureaucrats in the same way as it was sent.


communication behavior, bureaucrats, city government performance

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Volume 06 Issue 10 October 2023

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