1James Tetteh Ademtsu, 2Dr. Pragya Pathak, 3Osei Dinah Bridget Oduraa
1Department of Fashion Design and Technology, Takoradi Technical University, Takoradi, Ghana
2Assistant Professor PID, Dept. of Fashion Design, Parul University, Vadodara, Gujarat
3Creative Arts Department, Bia Lamplighter College of Education
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i10-57Google Scholar Download Pdf
The study focuses on how AI may help with visual searches and personalised suggestions for online buying. To provide personalised apparel suggestions based on individual tastes, AI systems may analyse customer data and behaviour. Customers may use photographs as search queries to locate comparable fashion goods thanks to visual search capabilities driven by AI, which makes online shopping more effective and practical. The ethical and societal ramifications of AI in the fashion business are also covered in the research. In light of the volume of personal data that AI systems gather, it examines privacy and data security issues. It also examines the influence of AI algorithms' inclusion and prejudice on fashion suggestions. The study also looks at how AI may affect the workforce and traditional retail occupations, considering the automation of some processes and the demand for new skill sets. Another important component of background research is comprehending customer impressions of the adoption of AI in the fashion business. By accomplishing these objectives, the study intends to provide a comprehensive understanding of the role of AI in transforming the physical and online shopping experience of clothes and fashion products, including its benefits, challenges, and implications for consumers and the fashion industry as a whole. To evaluate whether AI systems can improve the shopping experience, researchers may create proof-of-concept models or prototypes. Virtual stylists, individualised product suggestions, virtual changing rooms, and tools for analyzing fashion trends based on AI are a few examples of these prototypes. research limitations highlight the complexities and evolving nature of studying the role of AI in transforming the shopping experience of clothes and fashion products. Researchers must acknowledge and address these limitations to provide meaningful and actionable insights for the industry. Researchers can improve the development and responsible application of AI technologies in the fashion sector by focusing on these areas, which will ultimately improve customers' overall purchasing experiences.
KEYWORDS:Artificial Intelligence, Online shopping, Fesion products
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Volume 06 Issue 10 October 2023

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