Department of Islamic Religion Education, Univeritas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara
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In the implementation of education, there are still educators (parents, teachers and society) who are less aware that discipline can influence the formation of a child's personality. Mistakes and inaccuracies in providing discipline to students can interfere with the formation of a good personality. Because the formation of personality during childhood determines a person's mental attitude and behavior after adulthood and is the basis for assessing their actions. It must be remembered that the child's soul at various stages of development is different from the soul of an adult. Growth and development are animated by nature or basic forces from within and influenced by factors from outside. From a psychopedagogical perspective, discipline is very important and even mandatory for a child's growth. Children's growth and development is not only physiological, but also mental and social. Complete and healthy self-development physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially and spiritually, is a reflection of the quality of discipline experienced and carried out by children from the time they are in the womb until they are born, grow and develop into adults. In designing discipline, it can take the form of prohibitions and orders. which leads to positive discipline. The role of parents, teachers and society is very influential in the formation of children's discipline so that they give birth to the individuals mandated by the GBHN.
KEYWORDS:Discipline, Formation, Personality
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Volume 06 Issue 10 October 2023

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