Ibtihal Irzooqee Abbass
Allergy Specialized Center of Baghdad/ Ressafa
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i10-48Google Scholar Download Pdf
A food allergy is a type of immunological reaction to food that is abnormal. The allergic reaction's symptoms might range from moderate to severe. Itching, swelling of the tongue, vomiting, diarrhea, hives, difficulty breathing, and low blood pressure are some of the symptoms. This can happen anywhere from a few minutes to several hours after exposure.
Methods: The included samples of this study were 125 patient with chronic urticaria with age between 20 - 60 years were collected from allergy specialized center of Baghdad/ Ressafa. Determination of food allergen specific IgE in serum of total subjects was done for twenty two of common food allergens.
Results: The current results showed that 39/125 of urticarial patients were positive to Beta-Lacto globulin, 29/125 positive to Banana, 21/125 positive to Apple, 14/125 positive to Egg Yolk, 10/125 positive to Sesame, 9/125 positive to Nut-Mix, 7/125 positive to Rice and Potato, 6/125 positive to Egg White, Citrus Mix and Peach, 5/125 positive to Milk and Tomato, 3/125 positive to Wheat Flour and Onion, 2/125 positive to Celery, 1/125 positive to Pea, Pork Meat, Strawberry, Baker’s Yeast, Chicken Meat and Cacao (Chocolate).
Conclusions: The most common food allergies concluded in this study were for Beta-Lacto globulin, Banana, Apple, Egg Yolk and Sesame.
KEYWORD:Food Allergy, Urticarial Patients, Allergens.
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