1Pemy Panigoro, 2Lintje Boekoesoe, 3Sunarto Kadir
1,2,3Department of Public Health, Postgraduate, Gorontalo State University, Gorontalo City, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i10-40Google Scholar Download Pdf
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever is an acute viral infectious disease caused by the dengue virus which is characterized by fever lasting 2-7 days accompanied by manifestations of bleeding, decreased platelets (thrombocytopenia), hemoconcentration characterized by plasma leakage (increased hematocrit, ascites, pleural effusion, hypoalbuminemia). This study aims to analyze the risk factors for dengue fever in the Telaga Biru Community Health Center area using a geospatial approach. This type of analytical observational research with a matched case control research design according to place of residence. The research sample consisted of 116 respondents, 58 dengue cases and 58 as controls. The sampling technique is total sampling. Primary data collection was carried out by interviewing cases and controls. Retrieving the coordinates of the residence of dengue fever sufferers in the Telaga Biru Health Center working area was carried out using the GPS Logger application. Data analysis uses bivariate and spatial analysis. The results of the study used the Fisher's Exact Test and showed that the characteristics of respondents aged < 15 years had a risk of 50.9%, which means there was a relationship between age characteristics and the incidence of dengue fever (ρ = 0.000) phi < 0.05, low education had a risk of 54.3% and there is a relationship between educational characteristics and the incidence of dengue fever (ρ=0.000) phi < 0.05, not working is 80.2% more at risk of dengue fever, but there is no relationship between job characteristics (ρ=0.103) > 0.05, spatial analysis ( ρ= 0.056) with the incidence of dengue fever in the Telaga Biru Community Health Center area. The conclusion is that the characteristics of age and education are related to the incidence of dengue fever in the Telaga Biru Community Health Center area, while employment and based on spatial analysis there is no relationship between residential density and the incidence of dengue fever with a value of ρ= 0.056 and there is a clustered pattern with an NNI of 0.34.
KEYWORD:DHF, Risk factors, Spatial, Mapping.
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