• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840

Volume 06 Issue 10 October 2023

Technical and Economic Review of Biogas Utilization from Traditional Market Organic Waste
1Ervan Hasan Harun, 2Jumiati Ilham
1,2Renewable Energy Engineering Technology, Gorontalo State University, Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.06, Kelurahan Wumialo, Kecamatan Kota Tengah, Kota Gorontalo Provinsi Gorontalo, 96128
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i10-32

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This research is a continuation of previous research, namely the Study of the Potential of Gorontalo City Central Market Organic Waste as Raw Material for Biogas Reactors which was completed in 2023 and has produced characteristics of organic waste generation at the Central Market of Gorontalo City. As a continuation of previous research, this research will try to design a Biogas Reactor by utilizing organic waste at the Central Market of Gorontalo City as a traditional market which produces waste every day and is a problem for the city government. The materials used in writing this article are based on the results of research carried out by the author in 2023 from other selected articles related to the use of organic waste as an energy source through the fermentation process in a biogas reactor (digester). From the technical aspect, the research has succeeded in designing a fixed dome type biogas reactor, reactor volume 15.3 m3 with reinforced concrete construction complete with a cost budget and detailed drawings for its construction. Meanwhile, from an economic aspect, an economic analysis has been carried out and it can be concluded that investment with initial capital of Rp. 78,793,000, economically feasible as indicated by the parameters NPV > 0, IRR (22.22%) > MARR (10.07%), B/C Ratio 2.0 times, and Payment Period 12 years 0 months..


design, reactor, biogas, organic waste, economic analysis

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Volume 06 Issue 10 October 2023

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