1Yulita Pujilestari, 2Sulastri 3Mas Fierna Janvierna Lusie Putri, 4Setiawati
1,2,3,4Department of Teacher Training and Education, Pamulang University, Tangerang, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i10-31Google Scholar Download Pdf
Indonesia is a democratic country, a country that prioritizes the voice of the people in making decisions, one form of Indonesian democracy can be seen from the general election system which is held every five years, where to be able to carry out one form of democracy successfully, political awareness is needed from each of them. each citizen. Political awareness is an important element for the successful implementation of democracy in a country. Growing political awareness can also grow Nationalism which is the political attitude of the people of a nation who have the same culture and region, as well as the same ideals and goals. Nationalism is also interpreted as an understanding that is the highest loyalty of each individual must be attached to the nation-state (nation state) or as the mental attitude and behavior of individuals and communities that show high loyalty and devotion to the nation and state.The research methodology used is descriptive qualitative, which is a method that aims to describe how the actual situation and phenomenon is, then it is described in a research report. Based on its type, this research is a case study research. , as happened in the general election in Indonesia for example. This proves that people's political participation is still low. The Importance of Growing Political Awareness for the Community In Increasing Nationalism, All Parties, Especially Religious Leaders, Community Leaders, and the Government, To Socialize.
KEYWORD:Political Awareness, Community, Nationalism
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Volume 06 Issue 10 October 2023

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