1Sukma Perdana Prasetya, 2Lidya Lestari Sitohang, 3Fahmi Fahrudin Fadirubun, 4Armawati Hidayati
1,2,3Universitas Negeri Surabaya , Surabaya, East Java 60213, Indonesia
4Institut Agama Islam Al-Fatimah Bojonegoro, Bojonegoro, East Java 62115,Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i10-02Google Scholar Download Pdf
The aim of this research is to develop East Java contextual disaster mitigation teaching materials in social science subjects and test the differences between initial knowledge and learning outcomes after implementing the teaching materials in three schools with different regional characteristics. This research uses the Borg and Gall (2007) development model which includes nine stages. The research subjects were 64 students of SMPN 1 Sidoarjo (coastal area character), 60 students of SMP Plus Al Fatimah Bojonegoro (solo river fluvial area character), 62 students of Maospati 3 SMPN (mountain area character). Data was collected through interviews, questionnaires, and pretest-posttest which was then analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics (Anacova). The results of this research are: 1). East Java contextual disaster mitigation teaching materials were assessed as very appropriate by expert validators with slight revisions; 2). Students gave very positive responses and support to the application of teaching materials; 3) there are differences or improvements in initial abilities (pretest) with learning outcomes (posttest) in the three schools; 4) There is a significant difference in learning outcomes between SMPN 1 Sidoarjo and SMPN 3 Maospati. The two junior high schools in this area have different risks from natural disasters, so students' understanding of disasters is influenced by their respective contextual environments.
KEYWORDS:Disaster literacy, contextual, social science
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