• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840


Study of Impact of Prominent Diseases in Hotspot on Pearl millet Genotypes (Pennisetum glaucum L.)
1G. R. Andhale, 2V. V. Bhavsar,3V.A. Gardi,4C. T. Thakare
1,2Department of Botany, College of Agriculture, Dhule - 424004, Maharashtra, India
3,4Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, Dhule - 424004, Maharashtra, India
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i1-08

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The present study was conducted to identify impact of biotic stresses on pearl millet genotypes. It is one of the hardy crops adaptable to wide range of ecological conditions and water scarcity. Pearl millet crop is affected by number of diseases caused by fungus, bacteria, virus, nematodes, etc. The present investigation was carried out using 50 different genotypes with two replications. Observations on diseases viz Downey mildew (green ear head disease) and blast reaction (Leaf spot) were recorded. The genotypes S-21/05(1%) followed by S-21/06(1%), S-21/18 (1%), S-21/18 (1%), DHLB-27B, (2%), DHLB-36B (2%), S-21/13 (2%), S-21/15 (2%), S-21/07(2%), S-21/11 (2%), DHLB-37B(3%), S-21/04 (3%), S-21/08(3%), S-21/14 (4%), S-21/16 (4%), S-21/12 (5%), PBLN-2021-204 (5%) exhibited highest resistance to blast reaction. The genotype DHLB-31B (1%), followed by S-21/05 (1%), ICMB-9544 (1%), PBLN-2021-203 (1%), S-21/17 (2%), S-21/19 (2%), PBLN-2021-204 (2.38%), PBLN-2021-211 (2.38%), S-21/07 (2.54%), S-21/10 (2.54%), PBLN-2021-212 (4.39%) and S-21/20 (4.67%) were found highly resistant to Downey mildew incidence.


Pearl millet, Biotic stress, Downey mildew, Blast reaction


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