1Irene T. Gonzales, 2Romelyn U. Gonzales, 3Patrick S. Capoy, 4Asnifah D. Osop,5Dr. Araceli Bustamante-Paster
1,2,3,4Student Researchers, Pamantasanng Cabuyao
5Adviser Pamantasanng Cabuyao
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i1-46Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study mainly aimed to identify and evaluate the existing intervention programs to provide insightful information about the current state of children in conflict with the law and to propose measures for enhancement of the intervention programs in the selected barangays to better cater the needs of the CICL in the City of Cabuyao, Laguna. The researchers utilized a phenomenological research design under qualitative method and purposive sampling to select the seven (7) qualified Violence Against Women and Children Officers appointed to implement the existing intervention programs and had been facilitating for at least more than a year. A validated semi-structured interview with open-ended questions was used to gather data and thematic analysis was employed for the evaluation. From the findings, the study revealed that there were different intervention programs implemented, and despite the efforts of the authorities to extend aid and assistance among CICL, it was found that there is still a need for enhancement and enhancement in some areas of program implementation to further address and help the CICL. This study also provided recommendations for the enhancement of intervention programs for children in conflict with the law.
KEYWORDS:Evaluation, Enhancement, Existing Intervention Programs, Children in Conflict with the Law, CICL, and VAWC officers
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