• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840


The Portrayal of the Student Movement's History in the Novel Laut Bercerita by Leila S. Chudori: A New Historicism Study
1Mita Saputri, 2Nurhadi, 3Denitha Nafalitha
1,2,3Yogyakarta State University & Yogyakarta
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i1-45

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This study intends to describe the form and historical portrayal of the student movement during the reform era in Laut Bercerita by Leila S. Chudori. This is an interpretive qualitative study employing the knife analysis of new historicism. The New Historicism approach is used to analyze Leila S. Chudori's novel Laut Bercerita which integrates non-literary texts into the literary texts to be analyzed. The results of the study identified four student movements depicted in the novel Laut Bercerita during the reform era: (a) discussion of the "margin kiri" book, which was considered an attempt by students to overthrow the government, (b) rejection of the dual function of ABRI, (c) the Blangguan incident as an act of rebellion students to defend corn farmers whose land will be confiscated, and (d) the Kamisan Action, which was carried out by the families of those who had been coerced into disappearances while they were all dressed in black and gathered in front of the State Palace in an attempt to uncover the truth about human rights violations. These events are reflected in the story through the experiences of the characters. The novel contextualizes actual historical events. According to New Historicism, socio-political historical events are presented to call into doubt previously recorded historical truths. It is expected that the results of the New Historicism study on Leila S. Chudori's novel Laut Bercerita will help individuals comprehend Indonesian history and allow them to learn from terrible historical occurrences so that they won't be repeated in the future.


Portrayal, the Student Movement, New Historicism


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