1Junalia Muhammad, 2Evi Sinaga, 3Tery Wanena, 4Daniel Womsiwor, 5Sutoro, 6Eva Sinaga
1,2,3,4,5Sports Science Department, Faculty of Sports Science, Cenderawsih University, Jayapura, Papua
6 Nursing Program, Faculty of Medicine, Cenderawasih University, Jayapura, Papua
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i1-44Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study aimed to determine the description of energy drink consumption in Papuan athletes. Energy drinks are popular, and their consumption is increasing in today's fast-paced and active era, including among active workers and athletes. This study used a cross-sectional survey design involving 146 athletes using an accidental sampling technique. The energy drink consumption was known by a questionnaire consisting of 9 questions. The data to be collected includes sample characteristics (age, gender, sports, and last education), consumption, form, time, the purpose of consumption, perceived effect, amount, and side effects. The results showed that 52.74% of Papuan athletes had never consumed energy drinks, while 47.26% said they had consumed energy drinks. The energy drink consumption habits were 1-4 times in the form of sachets consumed during the day with no specific purpose. The perceived effect was the loss of tiredness with the amount taken one can/sachet/portion without experiencing side effects.
KEYWORDS:consumption, energy drink, athlete, Papua
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