1Siti Rahmadani,2Vera Suzana Dewi Haris,3Vina Dwi Wahyunita,4Henny Novita, 5Nurul Lidya,6Catur Erty Sukesty
1,2,4,5Midwifery Departement, Poltekkes Jakarta
1,3Midwifery Departement, Poltekkes Maluku
1,6Midwifery Departement, Tangerang Muhammadyah University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i1-22Google Scholar Download Pdf
Yoga carried out 4 times in 2 weeks has proven that this therapy can relieve physical and psychological fatigue so that the sympathetic nervous system experiences a decrease in activity which can ultimately reduce blood pressure. Stimulation will increase impulses on the nervous system which will be forwarded to the central nervous system. The purpose of this study was to Analyzing the effect of yoga on blood pressure in the elderly at the Alyssa Medika Clinic, Tangerang in 2021. The research method used a quasi-experimental design with a pretest-pottest with control design. Interventions in the form of elderly yoga and exercise were given to the elderly at the Alyssa Medika Tangerang clinic for ± 25 minutes, activities carried out 4 times for 2 weeks. Pre-test blood pressure was measured before and after the intervention was carried out, at the time before the next intervention, a post-test was carried out for measuring blood pressure on the respondents of both groups. The results showed the average age of respondents in the intervention and control groups was 62 years, with a minimum age of 61 years and a maximum of 68 years. Most of the intervention and control respondents did not have hypertension. The majority of intervention and control respondents had normal BMI and moderate activity. Based on the results of data analysis with dependent t test a significance value of 0.000 was obtained. Based on this value, because the p value < 0.005, it can be concluded that the elderly yoga has an effect on blood pressure. The results of the multivariate analysis showed that elderly yoga given to respondents can reduce blood pressure 4.14 times higher than that given elderly exercise. Elderly yoga given to respondents can reduce anxiety levels 11.42 higher than that given elderly exercise. It is recommended that midwives teach elderly yoga at integrated development post or in clinics every month to maintain the stability of elderly blood pressure. Keywords: Yoga, elderly, blood pressure
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