Le Thi Thanh
National Academy of Public Administration, Vietnam
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i1-20Google Scholar Download Pdf
The Vietnamese government is interested in green energy transition through many international commitments to sustainable development. In the past time, the government of this country has developed many green energy transition policies. However, there is a lack of quantitative studies assessing the impact of this policy. To contribute to filling this gap, this study examines the influencing factors on the policy support attitude of the Vietnamese people. This study was conducted through a cross-sectional survey using Purposive Sampling (n=200). A multivariate linear regression analysis technique was applied to prove the hypotheses. The research results show that all three factors of awareness of economic benefits, perception of social benefits, and understanding of environmental benefits by green energy transition policies have positive and significant impacts on the environment policy support. Among them, the perceived factor of economic benefits has the most substantial effect. This study implies that the Vietnamese government needs to communicate the help of the green energy transition policy to the people in the coming time.
KEYWORDS:green energy; economic efficiency; social efficiency; environmental efficiency; policy attitude.
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