1Rev. Fr. Dr. Bakwaph Peter Kanyip, 2Rev. Sr. Ezeh, Scholastica Chioma
1,2Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, Veritas University, Abuja
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i1-16Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study investigated principals’ and teachers’ perception of the impact of conflict management strategies on effective teaching in secondary schools in Enugu State. The main problem of the study is the mismanagement of school conflict that leads to nonchalant attitude of school members and rebellious behaviour towards instructions. The study objective is to examine principals’ and teachers’ perceptions of the impact of the two conflict management strategies on effective teaching in secondary schools in Enugu State. Two research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. Krejcie and Morgan technique was employed to select the sample size at 669 respondents. A self-developed Questionnaire on Principals’ and Teachers’ Perception of the Impact of Conflict Management Strategies on Effective Teaching was used for data collection. The data was subjected to analysis using SPSS and Cronbach Alpha statistics was applied. The findings revealed that the 6 items of the instrument yielded reliability co-efficient of .837, at 95% level of confidence, 0.05. Conflict management strategies have significant perceptions on effective teaching. The study concluded that, there is no one conflict management style that can be exclusively attributed to teaching effectiveness. Principals and teachers have to blend them well in their daily managerial activities in school for quality results to be realized. The study recommended that principals’ and teachers' education curriculum at all levels of training should include conflict management in order to empower principals and teachers to handle the same when in the field.
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