1Budi Agung Prasetya,2Siti Nurjannah,3Awaludin Tjalla,4Suparno,5Adi Setiawan
1Doctoral Program in Management Science, Postgraduate, Jakarta State University, Indonesia
2,3,4Jakarta State University, Indonesia
5Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i1-15Google Scholar Download Pdf
This article identifies related research developments related to Digital Entrepreneurship. It is hoped that this article will pave the way for future studies. Bibliometric analysis is used to determine research developments related to Digital Entrepreneurship. Digital entrepreneurship is a new research area. The first article related to "Digital Entrepreneurship" was published in 2000. Many articles with this theme were published only in 2019. The results of the Overlay Visualization analysis show that almost all of the keywords that become nodes are new themes or variables. This is reinforced by the results of the Density visualization, showing that all the keywords that make up the node are basically still very feasible to be used as research themes.
KEYWORDS:Entrepreneurship, Publication, Bibliometric, Digital.
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