Sarvinoz F. Nurmanova
PhD student of Navoi State Pedagogical Institute
DOI : Scholar Download Pdf
This article describes how the concept of idiostyle and its place in the literary world appeared in modern Uzbek linguistics. Also, the article will consider the assessment of idiostyle in Uzbek and world literary criticism and various approaches to this phenomenon, as well as the scientific work done.
KEYWORDS:idiostyle, idiolect, individual style, conceptual field, cognitive linguistics, style, speech.
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5) Sirojiddin Sayyid Way of Words: Selected works. Two volumes. Volume 2. - T.: “Sharq”, 2008. – p. 27.
6) Tarasova I.A. On the possibilities of a statistical approach to the study of the idios “meaning and functioning of language units”: - Saratov: Publishing House of Saratov University, 1993.

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