An Existence of Traditional Marriage Forms and Implications in the Community of Kei Southeast Maluku
1Roberth Kurniawan Ruslak Hammar, 2Wellem Hendra Balubun,3Agustinus Luturmas
1,2,3Caritas College of Law, Papua Manokwari
DOI : Scholar Download Pdf
This research is analysis about the forms of marriage in the Kei ethnic community develop and adaption themselves to con-temporary developments. Therefore, a form of marriage is determined by the method or mode of the man who carries out the marriage, and also depends on the availability of marital property and the consent of the woman's parents, or vice ver-sa. There are seventh forms of customary marriage in the Kei community with a differentiation of the form of the traditional procession. In conclude, the type of marital property and its legal implications. Show that any form of marriage by the level an existence of the male side.
KEYWORDS:form of marriage, implications, Kei society
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