Philippe IBITOWA
Maitre-Assistant, Department of Information and Communication Sciences at Félix Houphouët-Boigny University (RCI)
DOI : Scholar Download Pdf
Generally perceived as the main culprit for the flaws of a declining media system, the Ivorian journalist has rarely been the subject of a socio-educational and demographic study that allows a better understanding of his behavior in the global media ecosystem, faced with the requirements of professionalization. This article attempts, on the basis of a systemic approach, to fill this gap by showing how the socio-educational and demographic profile of the journalist has an impact on the professionalization of the sector, through the case study of four Ivorian dailies: Fraternité Matin, Le Patriote, Notre Voie and Soir Info.
KEYWORDS:Ivorian journalists, socio-educational and demographic profile, media system, professionalization
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Volume 05 Issue 09 September 2022

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