1Dr. Gaurav Aggarwal,2Dr Mahesh Hemadri,3Dr. Arvind Mathur,4Dr. Srishty Singla
1Public Health Expert, Founder and Chairman Jagatmitra Foundation, New Delhi
2Family physician, Global Hospital and Research Center, Mt. Abu, Rajasthan
3S.N.Medical college, Jodhpur
4MBBS, Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i9-28Google Scholar Download Pdf
Empirical data says that older age group people are more content in their lives rather than the younger ones. Assumptions about retirement connected with stress and morbidity continue to flourish despite tons of empirical contradictory data. The perpetual mismatch between theory and certain empirical data is one of the things that has led us to believe that we sometimes erroneously project midlife values, activity patterns, and expectations onto old age. Rajyoga being taught by Brahma Kumaris at world spiritual university is a unique spiritual education which facilitates the individual to realise true potential of uplifting one’s self-identity or Awareness. The dimensions of life and spiritual knowledge allows the person to enlighten himself to experience the golden era where enlightened individuals called as angels live having higher consciousness and live in an environment of perfect order. This spiritually transcending experience is timely selective to all the individuals, irrespective of caste and creed and religion because the age undergoes transition, and the world has to move towards a better life.
KEYWORDS:Spirituality, Dimensions of life, Retirement, self-identity, Self-identification, Self-awakening, Self-Enlightenment, Selfrealisation, Ego, Self, Transcendence, Self-acknowledgement.
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Volume 05 Issue 09 September 2022

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