Christine Reidhead
Navajo Technical University
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Creating a sustainable work environment has been a very big strategy for the HR retention policies. Work places where employees are given some relief in terms of work hours or now even days has proved to be very helpful in the efficiency of workers. Studies have been conducted on 4 day work week policies of workers across the world and the conclusion has been very positive and has supported the four day work week policy. Very often we come across people who are tired and their working efficiency decreases with increased level of fatigue and lack of family time. Lack of work life balance has been the most common reason of attrition irrespective of geography and profession. Considering this scenario, human resource management leaders have been promoting the four day week work policy for all the employees in their company. This paper would study the benefits and challenges observed with the four day work week policy. The study would highlight the feasibility of this practice in the long run.
KEYWORDS:Work Efficiency; Workers; Four day work week; Work life balance; Family time
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Volume 05 Issue 08 August 2022

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