1Neil D Villon,2Anna Liza P. Del Rosario
1Castañas National High School, Sariaya, Quezon, Philippines
2Laguna State Polytechnic University, San Pablo City, Laguna, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i8-37Google Scholar Download Pdf
The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of using video tutorial lessons (VTLs) based on the 5W1H model on non-numerate grade 8 students. 44 non-numerate grade 8 students were identified and used as study respondents. The pretest was employed, followed by utilizing the VTLs and posttest administration. The study identified the personal related factors of the respondents in terms of instructional resources, learning environment, and parental support. The level of acceptability of the designed video tutorial lessons was determined in terms of content and technical production. The study also determined whether there is a significant difference in the pretest and posttest scores of Grade 8 students before and after using the VTLs. A significant relationship between variables was also tested using Pearson r. The findings revealed that the personal related factors for instructional resources of the respondents were printed modules, touchscreen cellphone and television. Likewise, learning environment and parental support are good as their personal related factors. In the pretest result, the respondents do not have mastery in measurement, calculating, patterns and relationships, and rational. On the other hand, they ranged from nearing mastery to mastery level in spatial and interpreting. Further, the level of acceptability of the respondents and experts on the quality of VTLs using the 5W1H model in terms of content and technical production. It improves the level of numeracy skills of the Grade 8 students based on the post-assessment results ranging from nearing mastery to mastery in measurement, calculating, patterns and relationships, and rational. Moreover, the respondents' numeracy skills and the personal related factors do not significantly correlate. The respondents' numeracy skills and the level of acceptability of the quality of the video tutorial lessons are not significantly correlated. Last but not least, there is a considerable change in the Grade 8 students' posttest results compared to their pretest scores after using the video tutorial lessons.
KEYWORDS:5W1H model, numeracy, video tutorial lesson (VTLs).
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