1Made Ayu Pramita Suari,2Anak Agung Putu Agung,3Anak Agung Dwi Widyani
1,2,3Mahasaraswati University Denpasar
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i8-34Google Scholar Download Pdf
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of organizational climate and competence on job satisfaction and organizational commitment. This research was conducted at Bali Mandara General Hospital. The research population was 222 non-Health employees, and 69 people were taken as samples. Sources of data using primary data in the form of a questionnaire. This study uses a quantitative research approach, with data analysis using Structural Equation Modeling with the SmartPLS 3.0 Program. The results of the study showorganizational climate and competence have a significant effect on job satisfaction. Organizational climate and competence have a significant effect on organizational commitment. Competence and job satisfaction have a significant effect on organizational commitment.
KEYWORDS:organizational climate, competence, job satisfaction and organizational commitment.
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Volume 05 Issue 08 August 2022

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