1Renad Mutlaq Alhanaki,2AMINA butt
1College of medicine, Dar Al Uloom University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
2Master in clinical education leeds uk, Consultant obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Sulaiman AlHabib hospital
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i8-30Google Scholar Download Pdf
Background :
Pelvic fluid collection can complicate a variety of abdominal surgeries and gynecological inflammations; nevertheless, it is
considered a rare pathological consequence after normal vaginal delivery. It is characterized by a wall of thick fibrous tissue that
delineate an area of pus and necrotic tissues.
Case presentation :
A 31-year-old Saudi female presented with lower abdominal pain and dysuria 7 days following normal vaginal delivery. Apart
from mild lower abdominal tenderness; the physical examination has been otherwise clear. The work-up showed leukocytosis
and a high CRP level. The mild pelvic collection was shown on abdominal ultrasonography and the CT scan of the abdomen
revealed an enhanced wall pelvic fluid collection measure of about 13*3.3 cm. The patient received injectable antibiotics, and
the fluid was aspirated initially, via a transvaginal route under ultrasound guidance. Days later, further fluid was aspirated with
the placement of a catheter inside.
Conclusion :
Physicians and obstetricians should have a high rate of suspicion for diagnosing Pelvic fluid collection. Injectable antibiotics and
fluid aspiration with or without catheter placement are the mainstays for treatment.
Pelvic fluid collection, fluid aspiration, Saudi Arabia.
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