Basic doctoral student, Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
ORCID : 0000-00a03-3645-6993
DOI : Scholar Download Pdf
The article examines information about the relations between the peoples of Central Asia and China in the VII-X centuries on Chinese written sources. The works of the Sui Dynasty, Tang Dynasty and the Wu-dai era are mainly taken, but in addition to them, information from other chronicles that were created later is also given. When working on the article, was used the chronological method of compiling a list of sources. It is also possible to change the order in cases where the sources of the type of information complement each other. Each essay begins with the title and its translation from the Chinese language. Next, information about the author, the time of compilation and other data is given. Information about the relations between the peoples of Central Asia and China is transmitted in chronological order. One of the fundamental concepts of historical science is the "historical source". In the literal sense, the word "source" means a spring, a key, in the figurative sense-that which gives rise to something, serves as the basis for something. Indeed, every study of topics and problems of the distant or recent past begins with the identification, study and use of historical sources and is based on them.
KEYWORDS:Central Asia, China, Sui, Tang, Wu dai, sources, writings, relationships, fundamental concepts.
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