Diana Marie D. Gamboa
DepEd San Carlos City
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i8-16Google Scholar Download Pdf
The study was conducted to determine the struggles of senior citizen teachers during the S.Y. 2021 - 2022. The descriptive qualitative method as research design was used and an in-depth interview was utilized in data collection.
The study reveals that majority of the respondents have no choice but to keep up with the use of technology in their teaching so that they will not be left behind. It this time of digital world we are now living in, it is important to use and integrate technology in teaching to catch the attention of the learners who are now called digitally natives. Research shows that integrating technology in the teaching-learning process will benefit learners and they will easily understand their lesson with the use of video lessons. The more senses they use, the better the comprehension and retention of their lessons. It will also lessen the time and effort of teachers in making instructional materials and it will make the discussion livelier.
There are also advantages and disadvantages of the utilization of technology inside the classroom. It has also its limits. Some identified struggles of senior citizen teachers were namely; lack of available gadgets, poor internet connection, sudden power interruption and lack of basic knowledge of the older teachers in the operation of such modern gadgets. But luckily enough, they have their supportive co-teachers and family members around them who are willing to assist them.
KEYWORDS:Senior Citizen Teachers, Technology Integration, Gadgets, Struggles
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Volume 05 Issue 08 August 2022

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