Michela P. dela Cruz
DepEd Tarlac Province
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i8-15Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study aimed to determine the prevalence of early pregnancy to gen z students using an interview as the main instrument. The findings of the study revealed that the number one factor that influenced the prevalence of early pregnancy to Gen Z students was family. Peer Pressure was the second factor, and the last factor was spiritual engagement. The employed style of Gen Z students along with social were chatting with siblings and other important people which helped them cope more easily with the situation. While the psychological aspect was self-talk this was a very effective coping strategy for Generation Z students. They used this to effectively compose themselves and tell themselves to be firm in difficult situations. They learned to dream and took on parental responsibilities for their children. They were also pursuing their studies for the sake of their children's future. Reading Wattpad, watching K-dramas, playing cellphone games, and using Facebook are some of their coping mechanisms. With the employed style of Gen Z students along with a spiritual aspect, Gen Z mothers’ spiritual beliefs became stronger. They also read inspirational books as a way of coping.
KEYWORDS:Coping Styles, early pregnancy, prevalence, teenage mothers
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Volume 05 Issue 08 August 2022

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