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Volume 05 Issue 08 August 2022

Golden Life Lessons and Challenges of Retirees: A Case Study
Arvin A. Betonio
School of Advance Studies, Doctor of Education major in Guidance and Counseling, Pangasinan State University, Urdaneta City, Philippines.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i8-14

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This study investigated the lived experiences of the of retirees who are members of the federation of senior citizens from Talugtug Nueva Ecija. A qualitative method and case study research design was used in investigating and narrating the golden life lessons and challenges of the retirees. The research used purposive sampling, Qualitative data was thematically coded and analyzed through content narrative analysis. The findings of the study revealed that the common golden life lessons of the retires are; to be a good father/mother, be contented and validate marriage and to work hard or to be diligent and patient when it comes to education. While the challenges encountered by the retirees are the poverty they experienced which is the main reason for their hard work in life along with their desires or preferences, tasted hurtful words and were judged by the wrong view from their spouse’s family. Also, retirees went through intense trials and sacrifices before achieving success in the educational aspect. They used their past experiences to shape their daily life experiences in ways that enhanced their own well-being and quality of family.


Golden Life Lessons, challenges, retirees.


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Volume 05 Issue 08 August 2022

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