1Marina Shengelia,2Maia Kevkhishvili,3 Manana Beridze,4Darejan Khocholava
1,2,3,4 PhD Professor Georgian Technical University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i8-11Google Scholar Download Pdf
At present, the requirements for flying machines, in terms of increasing flight speeds, maneuverability, and flight intensity, significantly expand the range of tasks to be solved by the radio-electric equipment of these machines. Therefore, during their design and construction, problems arise with the placement of a large number of antennas and radio-electronic devices. In addition, for maneuvering and flight dynamics, it is not allowed to place additional protrusions on the devices. From the obtained results, we can assume that the electrodynamic properties of the considered system can be changed by the variation of the system's feeding mode.
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Volume 05 Issue 08 August 2022

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