1Helen T. Asio,2Ma. Cristina Lalaine M. Nerona
1,2Isabela State University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i7-29Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study aims to find out the preparedness of Higher Institution’s teachers and administrations in the conduct of online teaching. It was conducted at the Isabela State University during the Second Semester S. Y 2020-2021. There were 117 faculty members who served as respondents. Using a self-made questionnaire, the data was gathered along: Respondent’s Profile, Level of Frequency in the Utilization of Online Teaching Platforms, and Level of Frequency in the Encountered Problems as to Teaching –Related, and the Level of Utilization of Teaching Practices / Aids. A Descriptive Research using Quantitative and Qualitative approach was used in this study.
As to the findings, majority of the respondents received training on online teaching “once”. Most of them utilized Messenger and Google Meet as online teaching platforms; the respondents’ profile, Academic Rank” and the level of frequency as to the encountered difficulty in teaching-related activities using online teaching Platforms have a significant relationship. It was also found out that there is a significant relationship between the respondents’ level of utilization of teaching aids/practices and their profile, particularly the received trainings. As to the respondents’ level of utilization of teaching aids/practices and the utilization of electronic platforms, there is a significant relationship. This shows the importance of exposure of the respondents to online teaching platforms for the execution of teaching practices to deliver quality education to students.
KEYWORDS:online platforms, teaching practices/aids, online teaching.
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