1Martina Sunaryo, 2Sarwiji Suwandi,3Retno Winarni
1Student, Master in Indonesian Language Education, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta-Indonesia
2,3Lecturer, Master in Indonesian Language Education, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta- Indonesia
ORCID ID: 10000-0002-8852-9878
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i7-28Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study aims to (1) describe and explain the quality of the learning process in procedural text writing skills (2) describe and explain the improvement of procedural text writing skills using flipbook learning media with a scientific approach. This study uses the classroom action research method (classroom action research) with 2 cycles, each cycle consisting of 2 meetings. Each cycle consists of planning, implementation, action, observation and reflection. This research was conducted for eight months, from August to March 2022 and was carried out at SMPN 22 Jambi City. The research subjects were Indonesian language teachers and students of class VII G SMP Negeri 22 Jambi City, totaling 28 students consisting of 12 female and 16 male. Data collection techniques consist of test and non-test techniques (observation, interviews, and documentation). The validity of the data in this study used triangulation of data sources. The data analysis technique uses descriptive analysis to describe the increase in student success in each cycle and calculates the average to see the value of student learning completeness. The results showed that 1) The quality of learning to write procedural texts in terms of teacher and student activities has increased. The increase in teacher activity from the learning aspect has increased to reach 100%. The activity of students in the active aspect of listening and receiving teacher explanations increased from 51.79% in the Cycle I to 73.21% in the Cycle II. In the aspect of answering and asking questions, it increased from an average of 44.64% in the Cycle I to 65, 18% in cycle II. In the aspect of ability in discussion increased from an average of 44.64% in the Cycle I to 66.96% in the Cycle II. In the aspect of activeness in carrying out tasks, it increased from 57.14% in the Cycle I to 83.93% in the Cycle II. In the aspect of following the reflection, it increased from 58.93% in the Cycle I to 100% in the Cycle II. 2) The results of students' procedural text writing skills increased as indicated by an increase in grades. In the pre-action, the percentage of completeness was 17.86% in the less category with an average value of 63.25. In the Cycle I, the completeness increased to 67.86% although it was still in the less category with an average value of 71.75. In the Cycle II, the percentage of completeness reached 100% in the very good category, with the average grade achieved was 90.75. This means that flipbook learning media with a scientific approach can improve the quality of learning and writing procedure text skills.
KEYWORDS:learning media, flipbook, procedure text writing skills.
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Volume 05 Issue 07 July 2022

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