1Chaitra, 2Vidya Niranjan
1Research Scholar, Department of Biotechnology, R V College of Engineering, Bangalore
2Professor and Head, Department of Biotechnology, R V College of Engineering, Bangalore
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i7-20Google Scholar Download Pdf
Mulberry (Morus Indica) leaves have gained commercial and economical importance in India by domesticated sericulture practices. Genetic engineering has paved way to enhance the breeding adroitness in developing transgenic plants. Multifarious approaches are being carrying out by researchers to increase yield of mulberry leaves throughout fluctuating climatic conditions followed by differing biotic and abiotic stress. Identification of genetic markers and mapping genetic markers within the genus for a target specific yield growth are challenging and so far they have substantiated the complications effectively. Significance of allelic variants distinguished by various Genetic markers like RADP, RFLP, AFLP, ISSR, SSR, and SNPs regulates in characterization of each genus and Genetic linkage mapping in relevance with Linkage disequilibrium score across GWA Study, Association mapping, QTL mapping are investigated with emphasis on crop yield amelioration. A concise account on applications of genetic markers in understanding morphological changes in accordance with genotypic and phenotypic characteristics.
KEYWORDS:Mulberry, Genetic markers, SNP, Abiotic Stress.
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Volume 05 Issue 07 July 2022

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