1Thanh Hoa Thi Phan, 2Huyen Trang Nguyen,
3Nhat Vinh Nguyen, 4Dieu Linh Nguyen,
5Ngoc Linh Ngoc Mai
1Lecture, Department of Business Administration, National Economics University, Hanoi, Vietnam
2,4,5Student, Corporate Management, National Economics University, Hanoi, Vietnam
3Student, Department of Business Administration, National Economics University, Hanoi, Vietnam
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i7-02Google Scholar Download Pdf
The rapid development of all industries and firms in the twenty-first century has increased corporate competitiveness in terms of making customers feel fulfilled and appreciated receive what they have paid for
In the service business, perceived value, or customer happiness, is always a prerequisite factor, a critical aspect for the existence and preservation of competitive advantages (Ravald & Gronroos, 1996).
To be successful in this field, companies must consider not just the quality of their products and services, but also the feelings and contentment of their customers. Customers will never use a product again if it does not meet their demands or meet their standards, regardless of how "high-quality" the product or service is provided by that company.
Overall aspects such as responsiveness, environment, workers, etc., amenities, and so on all affect consumer perception and satisfaction in research on perceived value in various service industries such as internet consumption, supermarkets, hotels, restaurants, and so on. Similarly, the topic of this research study is the customer's perceived value in higher education: influential elements. Universities can use this research to change their behavior, service quality, and service delivery process to better meet and guide customers in Higher Education, such as students, parents, families, society, businesses, and so on, when determining how these factors affect quantitatively and qualitatively the perceived value of customers in Higher Education, such as students, parents, families, society, businesses, and so on.
KEYWORDS:Perceived Value, Higher education, service quality, customers, factors, influential elements, satisfactory
1) What Is Customer Perceived Value? Definition and Importance https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/customer-perceived-val ue#:~:text=Customer%20perceived%20value%20is%20a,value%20consumers%20ass ign%20to%20it.
2) Perceived Value, Satisfactory and Loyalty of customers - A research in FMCG https://journalofscience.ou.edu.vn/index.php/econ-vi/article/view/1070
3) The Measurement of Perceived Value in Higher Education: a Unidimensional Approach https://www.researchgate.net/publication/46464640_The_Measurement_of_Perceive d_Value_in_Higher_Education_a_Unidimensional_Approach
4) Student Perceived Value toward universities’ high quality program in Vietnam https://jupidi.um.edu.my/index.php/MOJEM/article/view/20071/10473?fbclid=IwAR1lu
Volume 05 Issue 07 July 2022

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