1Massimo de Bonfils, 2Mauro Fabretti
1,2Lutherie Department, Santa Cecilia Conservatory, Rome, Italy
ORCID ID : 10000-0002-7988-9468
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i7-16Google Scholar Download Pdf
Antonio Stradivari's violins are considered the best for aesthetics and sound. All the best violinists in the world would love to play one of those gorgeous instruments, but the Market problem is that there are now only 500 Stradivarius left in the world; not all of them are in good condition, and they are not eternal. Moreover, they are few and costly. The aim of contemporary Lutherie should be to produce violins (and other stringed instruments) with the same characteristics as the great Cremona’s master but at reasonable prices. After 300 years, we could also aspire to produce better instruments than Stradivari. Using modern scientific instruments, we can understand every aspect of the construction technique of the great Stradivarius. Using the technology available today, we should be able to do even better.
KEYWORDS:Stradivari, economy, lutherie, violin, Santa Cecilia
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Volume 05 Issue 07 July 2022

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