1 Nguyen Nghi Thanh,2Nguyen Thi Quynh Trang,3Le Phuoc Quang
1,2,3Hanoi University of Home Affairs
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i7-13Google Scholar Download Pdf
Although the number of universities in Vietnam has expanded significantly in recent decades, the quality gap in the country's higher education has recently received much attention. Much qualitative research determined why more and more university graduates are out of work and university lecturers move to other jobs, which are the causes affecting job satisfaction, and work efficiency. However, there is still a lack of quantitative research to examine this issue. This study adds to the findings of previous studies. It enriches the research literature by examining Organizational definition as a variable detailing the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance among Vietnamese university lecturers. We conducted a cross-sectional survey (n = 200). Multiple linear regression and moderator regression analysis tested the proposed hypotheses. Research results show a positive and significant relationship between organizational identity, job satisfaction, and job performance of Vietnamese university lecturers. In particular, organizational identity functions as a moderating variable of the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance.
KEYWORDS:organizational identification, job satisfaction, work efficiency, university lecturer, Vietnam
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