1Panagiotis Panagiotopoulos,
2 Roido Mitoula,
3Evangelia Georgitsogianni,
4Eleni Theodoropoulou
1PhD Candidate Harokopio University, Department of Economics and Sustainable Development, Greece
2,3,4Professor, Harokopio University, Department of Economics and Sustainable Development, Greece
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i7-10Google Scholar Download Pdf
Development in the sense of growth under pure economic perspective is now considered outdated and anachronistic. In recent years, if not decades, development is only meant
to be sustainable. This is due to the fact that if it does not become sustainable it will soon cease to exist.
In this regard, there have been attempts to measure development and sustainability mainly by the United Nations but also by many scholars. This process resulted in the
construction of 50 main and 46 secondary indicators for sustainable development in 2007, which differ from the indicators that determine the percentage of achievement of the
17 Sustainable Development Goals as set in 2015.
In this paper, an attempt is made to categorize the 96 Sustainable Development indicators of the U.N. according to Maslow's pyramid of needs and Bossel's indicator
categories. This combination forms the pyramid of sustainable development in which the individual indicators are distributed. The purpose of this categorization is to
investigate the contribution of sports tourism to sustainable development based on the individual indicators as well as its extent within the categories of the pyramid.
Schematically, the pyramid helps to visualize the contribution of sport and tourism to sustainable development.
From the correlation of the above, it indeed emerges that there is a relationship between the elements of sports tourism (sport and tourism) and the indicators of
sustainable development. In particular, the literature review and the correlation of the specific indicators show the contribution of sports and tourism to 12 of the
96 indicators of sustainable development or 12.5%. Correspondingly, tourism and sports respectively present a degree of contribution towards 8 of the 17 goals (47%)
for sustainable development in 2030.
Sports, Tourism, Sustainable development, indicators, Sustainable development pyramid.
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Volume 05 Issue 07 July 2022

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