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Volume 05 Issue 06 June 2022

Knowledge And Implementation Of Total Quality Management Of Selected Grocery Stores In Cabuyao City, Laguna
1Tristelle Jurianne S. Bolito,2Allan Jhosua B. Magnate,3Elma Mae R. Pino,
4Shaira Anne C. Red,5Lowie Andrei V. Samson,6Edgardo C. Salazar, LPT, PhD
1,2,3,4,5,6University of Cabuyao
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i6-07

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The study's objective was to determine the level of knowledge and implementation of the Total Quality Management (TQM) of the grocery stores in the City of Cabuyao, in the Province of Laguna, Philippines, and the relationship that exists between the variables. In the study, modified questionnaires were utilized as a part of the descriptive correlational methodology. The study showed that the majority of the grocery stores have been in the business for less than ten years, are classified as a partnership, and have approximately less than 50 employees. The grocery stores had average knowledge of total quality management, and so with its implementation. A significant difference was noted in the level of knowledge and implementation when their responses were grouped according to their profile. The correlation result suggested that the increase in the TQM knowledge will also increase the likelihood of its implementation. The study results impacted the TQM implementation to help the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) improve the quality of their business towards increased business engagement and realizing their full potential, particularly during these trying times amidst the pandemic.


descriptive correlational study, TQM, SMEs, grocery stores, knowledge and implementation


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