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Volume 05 Issue 06 June 2022

Implementation of Training Management and Adaptation of Karate Exercise during the COVID-19 Pandemic
1Anisa Khaerina Harsamurty,2Siswantoyo, 3Ahmad Nasrulloh,4Bagus Arya Tama
1,2,3,4Department of Sport Science, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i6-47

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This study aims to find out (1) How to training management is performed by karate trainers during the pandemic. (2) How was the degree of adaptability of karate trainers during the pandemic. (3) There is any connection between adaptability and karate training management during the Covid-19 pandemic. (4) What obstacles did the trainer face in the exercise during the pandemic.

This type of research is quantitative descriptive research with a survey method. Research sites in Dojo/Clubs/Forki across Indonesia. The timing of this study was carried out from late February 2021 to March 2022. The population of this study is all karate martial sports trainers who belong to FORKI spread throughout Indonesia. Sample research incidental sampling was taken, and 108 respondents were obtained. Data collection techniques used questionnaires in the form of Google Forms. Validity of the instrument is performed through expert judgment, and reliability using Alpha Cronbach's. Data analysis is performed descriptively quantitatively, using SPSS.

Research results show (1) Karate training management in the Covid-19 pandemic was in the "quite high" category (75.93%), with the highest average aspect in the planning aspect and the lowest in the actuating aspect, as well as the implementation of health protocols at the time of exercise in the Covid-19 pandemic, being high. (2) Adaptability of karate trainers in times of the Covid-19 pandemic was in the "adequate" category (74.07%), with the highest adaptation to the learning innovation skills aspect, and the implementation of karate exercises during the Covid-19 pandemic period in both online and offline ways. (3) There is a relationship between adaptability and karate training management during the Covid-19 pandemic. (4) Obstacles encountered on the problem of signals and quota availability, the lack of satisfaction of trainers in the exercise implementation, and the technical aspects of training movements that are very difficult to carry out online.


Trainer, Excercise, Karate, Pandemic, Covid-19, Training Management, Adaptability


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Volume 05 Issue 06 June 2022

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