1Efrinanda Afrianti, 2Lufri
1Master Degree Program of Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Padang State University, Jl. Prof. Dr. West Padang Freshwater Hamka - 25131 Indonesia
2Lecturer of Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Padang State University, Jl. Prof. Dr. West Freshwater Hamka Padang–25131, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i6-40Google Scholar Download Pdf
The type of research conducted by the researcher is research development ( research development ). The product developed is LKPD based on Discovery Learning (DL). The aim is to improve the critical thinking skills of class XI students of SMAN 1 XI Koto Sungai Lasi The LKPD trial was carried out to obtain data that would be used in revising the product. The development model used in this research is the P lomp model. This model consists of three stages, namely the initial investigation stage ( prelimenary research ), the development or prototyping phase ( development or prototyping phase ) and the assessment phase ( assessment phase ). Evaluation of the prototype is carried out by means of formative evaluation as described in. The trials carried out consisted of a one- to-one evaluation , small group evaluation and large field test. The next step is to revise the product based on the results of a one-on-one evaluation. Then the revised DL-based LKPD product was re-tested in a small group. The results of the revision were tested again on a large group ( field test ) of students in one class. The trial aims to identify product deficiencies if used in actual conditions, see the effectiveness and practicality of the product. Research results The validation results by the validators show that discovery learning -based worksheets on the movement and digestive system material show a very valid category with a value of 84.05%. The results of the practicality test obtained from teachers and students showed that discovery learning -based worksheets on the movement and digestive system material showed a very practical category with a value of 95.00 % from teachers and 90.34 % from students. The results of the effectiveness test of discovery learning -based worksheets on the motion and digestive system material show that it is effective in improving students' critical thinking skills.
KEYWORDS:development, discovery learning, critical thinking
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Volume 05 Issue 06 June 2022

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