1Akas Yekti Pulihasih, 2Akas Pinaringan Sujalu
1Associate Prof. Faculty of Health University of Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya Jalan Raya Jemursari No.57, Jemur Wonosari, Surabaya City, East Jawa 60237
2Faculty of Agriculture, University of 17 Agustus 1945 Samarinda Jalan Ir. H. Juanda 80 Samarinda City 75124, east Kalimantan
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i6-39Google Scholar Download Pdf
This evaluation is being conducted with intended to determine the rate of Organic Soil Treatment (OST) and identifying the benefits of Organic soil treatment as a material that improves the chemical properties of the soil in the reeds (imperata) area as arable land. The OST material contains Leonardite humus and various organic elements to stimulate biological processes has the ability to regenerate the soil. Treatment uses a full factorial randomized design with 4 doses of OST, i.e no treatment (control), 3 grams/pot, 6 grams/pot and 9 grams/pot. Treatment results showed improvements in pH, organic matter, organic C, ECEC, B-c, N, P, K and instead it degrades Al-dd which is a detrimental chemical property.
KEYWORDS:soil chemical, ameliorasi, reeds (imperata) land
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[accessed apr 14 2022].
Volume 05 Issue 06 June 2022

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