1P.S. Kamble,
2K.K. Barhate,
3G. R. Andhale
1,2,3Botany Section, College of Agriculture, Dhule-424004, Maharashtra (India)
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i6-03Google Scholar Download Pdf
The most widely grown drought-tolerant warm-season coarse grain cereal, Pearl Millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.Br.] is grown on almost 26 million ha. Pearl Millet is India's fourth most extensively and widely produced food crop. This study aims for estimation of genetic variability among fifty-two genotypes of Pearl Millet were grown at Bajra Research Scheme, College of Agriculture, Dhule, (MS) during Kharif, 2020, in a Randomized Block Design with three replications. The maximum inter-cluster distance (D2) were observed between clusters VI and VII (23.06) and cluster minimum between II and III (8.23). The significant differences due to genotypes with high range (D2) value clearly indicated the presence of adequate diversity among genotypes studied. Among the genotypes divergence contributed maximum (41.63%) to iron content, followed by plant height (19.23%), panicle girth (15.16%), test weight (6.86%), days to flowering (5.13%), yield per plant (4.15%), panicle length (4.00%), and zinc content (3.39%)etc. Hence, this traits suggested important indices for selection of superior genotypes of pearl millet in breeding programs.
KEYWORDS:Genetic diversity, Pearl millet.
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Volume 05 Issue 06 June 2022

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