1April D.J. Casipong, 2Resellee Y. Ferolino, 3Sofia M. Mendoza, 4Araceli Bustamante-Paster PhD
1,2,3,4College of Health and Allied Sciences, Pamantasan ng Cabuyao
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i6-27Google Scholar Download Pdf
There are an increasing number of studies regarding subjective wellbeing; however, its association towards perceived social support was still vague depending on how both constructs are used in every study. Therefore, the need to provide further literature among the constructs, bridge the gaps and further analyze its relation to the breadwinners in the community had been the basis to pursue this study. This study aimed to determine the relationship between negative affect and the parameters of perceived social support.
Considering the results of the study, an intervention program was proposed by the researchers, Keep in Touch (KIT), in order to maintain the quality of social relationships of the respondents and promote better well-being for all.
KEYWORDS:Perceived social support, subjective well-being, breadwinners, affect, availability, adequacy
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Volume 05 Issue 06 June 2022

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