1Leizel B. Francisco, 2Sheila Mae O. Cantara, 3Mary Jane V. Esimos
1,2,3Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State College, Estancia, Iloilo Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i6-23Google Scholar Download Pdf
The emergence of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) has indeed revolutionized the world’s economy. Small and medium enterprises have made tremendous economic impact in most economies of countries around the world, especially those which were devastated by either natural or man-made disasters. The inroads of SMEs in the market had paved the way for most countries like the Philippines to prime its economy and moved forward towards economic recovery and growth.
Estancia is one of the municipalities in the province of Iloilo which had lately been blessed with the coming of SMEs that are engaged in business with both consumable and non-consumable goods. The interest of identifying the factors that influenced the sales and after sales of SMEs in the locality was the primary reason why this research study was conducted. This study aimed to describe the marketing activities of the 152 SMEs in Estancia, Iloilo in terms of sales and after sales using the research-made questionnaire as instrument of the study.
The results of the study showed that the marketing activities of the SMEs in terms of sales and after sales were satisfactory and mostly likely have caused the business to be stable and provided business operators to upgrade the quality of their life. As SMEs continue to act and provide as one of the pillars of the town’s economic recovery and growth, there is a need for the Local Government Unit (LGU) to provide the necessary avenues for collaboration and synergy with them. The LGU should try to see to it that through its comprehensive land use planning, priority should be given to the SMEs in the town particularly in terms of their location as to type of business and ensure the sustainability of their business.
KEYWORDS:Marketing activities, profitability, consumable and non- consumable goods
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Volume 05 Issue 06 June 2022

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