1Nguyen Zen Nguyen, 2Thi Huu Ai Nguyen, 3Thi Huong Tram Le, 4Thi Huong Phung
1,2,3,4University of Labor and Social Affairs
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i6-22Google Scholar Download Pdf
Health insurance is one of the pillars of social security in Vietnam. Moving towards universal health insurance is the right direction to support the country's sustainable economic development. Ninh Binh is a province with high rate coverage of health insurance compared to other provinces and cities across the country. However, to reach 100% of the people participating in health insurance, there are still many difficulties. With 205 valid questionnaires, the research team used quantitative research method to assess the factors affecting the expansion of voluntary health insurance participants in Ninh Binh province, Vietnam. Through analyzing the reliability of the scale, exploratory factor and linear regression, the research team has pointed out the factors that have a strong impact on the expansion of health insurance participants such as income or communication. From this result, the research team identified difficulties and existences in the expansion of voluntary health insurance participants in the province such as precarious income, certain employer’s limited awareness of health insurance policies, health system's ability to respond and inadequate quality care for people
KEYWORDS:Health insurance, Ninh Binh, Vietnam
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Volume 05 Issue 06 June 2022

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