1Maria Cristina O. Derraco, 2Nickson T. Derraco
1,2Pulo National High School, Pulo City of Cabuyao, Laguna
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i6-15Google Scholar Download Pdf
Online learning is not a new trend in education, some of the universities and colleges have been using it. Online distance learning is one of the three learning modalities that Pulo National High School implemented this SY 2020-2021. It is a big challenge for the teachers and school administration to venture into this platform since they are used in the traditional face to face mode of instruction. Araling Panlipunan is the subject that learners either love or hate. Among the attitude problems that the teachers encountered in teaching the subject is the interest and engagement. Will the attitude and academic performance of the learners towards Araling Panlipunan changes as the mode of teaching changes? The research uses descriptive methods as means for gathering data and information and interpreting the learners’ attitude and academic performance in online learning modality. Correlational method is used to find out if there is a significant relationship between the learners’ attitude and academic performance in the subject Araling Panlipunan in the online learning modality. The findings reveal that mean scores obtain from the learners’ self-assessment attitude is 4.19 which interpreted as positive attitude. Academic achievement of the learners in the fourth grading period is at 90.47 and as classified as Advanced in the levels of proficiency. With regards to the relations of attitude and academic performance, shows that there is a negligible, positive correlation between attitude and academic performance, which is not statistically significant (r = 0.043, N =169, p < 0.05). Positive attitude does not guarantee high academic performance. Since there is a minimal relation and is not statistically significant between the attitude and academic performance.
KEYWORDS:descriptive method, online distance learning, learner’s interest, academic performance, Araling Panlipunan
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Volume 05 Issue 06 June 2022

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