• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840

Volume 05 Issue 06 June 2022

Lived Experiences of COVID-19 Survivors in Samar, Philippines
1Dr. Abigail M. Cabaguing, 2Hanna Joyce Macawili,3Ma. Jessa Pacoma,4Alvinco S. Porton
1,2,3,4Samar State University Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i6-13

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outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic significantly threatened the health of million people all over the world. As early as September 20 of the year 2020, a total of 33,692,000 confirmed cases were recorded across the globe which resulted major restriction in human mobility as a response to contain its spread (WHO, 2020). A qualitative study using transcendental (descriptive) phenomenological approach was conducted to explore the lived experiences of Covid-19 survivors in Catbalogan City were active cases was recorded. Key informants of the study were identified using a purposive sample who qualifies with the criteria of those: (a) tested positive from RT-PCR and deemed as recovered from Covid-19 and; (b) specifically residing in city and of legal age. Data was saturated on the 10th informants. Result showed that these Covid-19 survivors experienced heightened challenges in their physical, psychological and social aspect. Dominant challenge was concerned on their psychological which stemmed from the distress due to the financial restriction they have to suffer from the inevitable quarantines that can affect their livelihood, the fear of unknowingly infecting others, the solitude of isolation and the thought of imminent death they attribute to the disease. However, despite the overwhelming challenges they are facing, they were able to endure and challenge their situation by redirecting themselves on their determination which concerns with their families/dependents welfare and their will to pursue own personal goals. Moreover, because of the support (monetary or non-monetary) they received throughout their recovery process, their intensified situation became manageable especially with the psycho-social support from their families and peers which significantly promoted their fast recovery. Over all, in spite of the challenges that these individuals have experienced, they were able to proceed with their respective lives by asserting their unique experience in an optimistic matter which is incumbent for their re-integration in the society.


Covid-19 Survivorst; Challenges; Re-integration to Society


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Volume 05 Issue 06 June 2022

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