1Mohamed Fazil, 2Rohan S, 3Ashritha C, 4Nagesh Shetty, 5Ramalingam H M
1,2,3,4,5Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Mangalore Institute of Technology & Engineering Mangalore, Karnataka, India
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i5-06Google Scholar Download Pdf
Agricultural production involves cultivating plants and raising domesticated animals to produce food and feed for humans and other animals. Agriculture or farming as it is also called is a complex activity, and each aspect of it impacts the overall crop production. Farmers need to manage all segments of crop production to achieve success. Farmers make strenuous efforts to produce good quality crops but they face challenging issues of monitoring and maintaining it around the clock. The problems in the agriculture domain largely affect the food production and supply chain. This project includes the proposal of an integrated crop management system to maintain the health of crops by supplying the required amount of water and nutrients to them. One aim is to reduce the amount of water lost to unnecessary evaporation, a concern in the 21st century. As a result, other factors, such as cost, time, and effective care are also benefited. This is why, after the soil preparation and planting are completed, the growth phase of the plant also requires special attention. The paper discusses a process for detecting and solving plant health issues using an intelligent automated system.
KEYWORDS:Plant Disease detection; Machine learning; Automated Irrigation; Raspberry Pi.
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Volume 05 Issue 05 MAY 2022

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